local events

5D Presents local events | Triple Dip of Sensation
local events

Triple Dip of Sensation

In this 3 hour adventure you’ll be whisked away to the land of Tantra❤️ with Tantra Master, Medusa.
Then into the mystic with Jennie to tap into your highest self in a intro to channeled writing, Erotica style❤️.

local events


Seance:The first half of the event will be designated to channeling your passed loved ones and the second will specifically be for channeling famous dead people.

Placitas Local Event | Trauma Toolkit
local events

Trauma Toolkit

Trauma Toolkit is a full day event teaching you various modalities on how to process trauma and move through it so that you can Move On!

Intro to Self Massage Placitas
local events

Intro to Self Massage

Do you have tight achy muscles? Would you like a higher quality of life? Or do you just want more health and self care. Join us in Placitas, NM 3/16 11-1pm ⭐️ In this class we will learn to effectively use massage tools like a foam roller and tennis ball for healthier muscles and circulation! Massage tools included in the cost.

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